Monday, March 23, 2015

What didn't get done

Does anyone else walk through the house at the end of the day stepping over toys and maneuvering through full laundry baskets in the hallway. You think about the load in the washer that needs to be put in the dryer,  you set that last dirty glass of the day into the full sink of dishes waiting for tomorrow morning. Maybe like me, you work from home too and let's not even get started on how it seems impossible sometimes to find time for that. You kind of grimace when you think about all the things that didn't get done. 
The morning of that same day, you woke up with determination.   The laundry would be conquered, the toys would be picked up, the sink would be empty, the kids would be on time, and of course, a trip to the gym would happen.  Somewhere in your day though...things happen. So tonight as I walked through the house I decided to think about the things that did get done.

Both kids ate breakfast and Emma was on time to school. I didn't have time for makeup and my hair wasn't fixed or brushed for that matter but we did practice our Bible verse and Easter song on the way to school.  Rickie and I got home and before I finished my first cup of coffee I had changed 2 diapers and put together his train track for what feels like the millionth time...but ya know what? He loves playing with that train track and it means alot to him that his Momma takes the time to help him with something he can't quite do yet.  I did manage to do some we do have clean clothes for a few more days :) Lunch consisted of egg sandwiches (the pan is still dirty in the sink) and at that time I could have got several things done but lunch was followed by one on one time with Rickie.  Learning, communicating, getting on his level where he is at and teaching him. After Emma gets out of school we make a special trip to Ingles because Rickie is asking for grapes and he doesn't like fruit typically so if Rickie is asking for grapes. ..he is going to get them.  It would be like Emma asking for broccoli. ..when that day arrives...we will be making another special trip :)  I took the time to cook supper for my family today and it was healthier than McDonalds and tasted way better. We took a walk as a family. We enjoyed the beautiful weather and spent valuable time together.  The more time spent with your kids the more they open up and the more you see about them and who they really are. 
I know there was something you did today for one of your kids that you didn't really have time for. You did it anyway. There was someone today who probably didn't notice the little sacrafice of time and effort you made. You did it anyway.  There was someone today who probably looked up at you with a need that only you could provide at that moment.  You provided. Good for you.  You were a mom today.  You took care of your precious family. You made sacrafices.  Don't fall asleep discouraged.  Fall asleep remembering who you are to those little sweet faces in the next room. Fall asleep thinking about the things that only you offered them today.  Fall asleep remembering to Thank our almighty God above for allowing you to be the mother you are.  Not everyone gets the chance.  Fall asleep remembering that greater is the One living inside of you than he who is living in the world! 
There were so many things that didn't get done today. Those things will always be there. 

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